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Jaceen is an exotic health brand that bridges the gap between health and beauty. With extensive evidence based research, innovative ideas and ethical cruelty-free commitment, we vehemently seek to provide our customers with life changing products.

Our founders, Ason and Mario, have always had a passion for the maintenance of optimum health through the use of natural plant extracts, they therefore combined both their herbal and medical expertise together to formulate some of the most efficacious products available today.

Quality is beyond imperative at Jaceen hence why we only utilise the most beneficial research proven ingredients in all of our products. Our priority will always be customer satisfaction and that is why we take great pride in our products being organic, chemical free and free from animal testing. We hope to positively impact the lives of many individuals around the world and will constantly strive to emphasise the inextricable link between health and beauty through the use of natural organic plant based products.

‘Jaceen’ itself is a philosophy and translates to ‘the essence of life’, the elegant butterfly logo symbolises the transition of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. The transformation itself is a metaphor which exemplifies the scintillating transformative impact our products can have on your health. The exquisite butterfly also demonstrates our love for the natural wildlife and environment hence why we also take an ethical approach during the manufacturing of all our products. Our powerful affinity to nature has also ensured that we have not and nor will we ever commission animal testing for any of our ingredients or products.

Within the current industry, many leading skin care brands overlook the nourishing benefits that botanicals possess hence the frequent use of chemical synthetic compounds. These compounds have been proven to have detrimental effects on not only our skin but also our health, at Jaceen we only incorporate healthy rejuvenating plant compounds. We believe that one must assimilate the beauty of nature to truly appreciate their health, our products will therefore allow our customers to comprehend our ethos and consequently embrace both their health and beauty.

Jaceen Ltd 12248745

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